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398 Reviews

Aluminium heating mat - The alternative to heating foils under floating laminate or parquet flooring
2021-08-04 14:00:00 / / Comments 0
Aluminium heating mat - The alternative to heating foils under floating laminate or parquet flooring - Blog: Aluminium heating mats as an alternative to heating foil

Aluminium heating mats as main or additional heater

Whether supplementary or main heating, the aluminium heating mat delivers very good results and can be installed quickly. The installation is very simple. The Twin heating conductor is glued in loops between the aluminium support material so that the heat can be optimally distributed.

The advantage of the Twin technology is that only one PTC resistor is connected to the heating conductor, so that even large areas can be covered with the aluminium heating mat without creating a tangle of cables.

Aluminium heating mats are a good alternative to heating film


A floating installation of laminate or parquet on an aluminium heating mat

Simple and quick installation

Installation is particularly easy in rectangular or square rooms. Here, the mat is laid from one side of the room to the other. When it reaches the end, the backing material is cut, the mat is turned and laid back again. Large areas can be laid out quickly in this way.  

Where the heating conductor is now exposed due to the rotation, everything is taped again with the enclosed aluminium tape. Why is this important? The aluminium carrier material also serves as a PE conductor. This must not be interrupted, so it is important that all open conductor points are reconnected at the end, so that this heating mat can even be used in damp rooms.


The right heating power

We recommend using a heating film underlay under the aluminium heating mats. For laminate and parquet flooring, both a 3 mm and a 5 mm version are possible.  

For floor temperature control, we recommend an output of 80 or 100 watts/m². The aluminium heating mat is to serve as the main heating? No problem! Here we recommend the 150 Watt/m² variant.

Heating film underlay or impact sound insulation provide additional insulation

You are not sure how to realise your project? Feel free to contact us, we will help you with the project planning.

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