Snow Melting heating mats - Our new outdoor heating mats are here. Safe on all paths!
2020-10-05 14:36:00 / / Comments 0
Snow Melting heating mats - Our new outdoor heating mats are here. Safe on all paths! - Safely through the winter with Snow Melting heating mats

Safely through the winter

The use of electric ice-free heating mats prevents snow and ice accumulation. Road conditions are very volatile and full of hazards with the first snow of winter, Mi-Heat Snow Melting heating mats provide safety in particularly risky places such as:

  • Pavements
  • Exterior stairs
  • House driveways and entrances
  • Entrance and exit ramps

Why should road salt not be used?

The use of de-icing salt has numerous disadvantages for the environment.

  • The salt gets into the ground with the meltwater and damages trees and plants and changes their nutrient balance.
  • The excessive introduction of sodium and chloride ions into the soil has a negative impact on the soil structure and can lead to silting and compaction.
  • Animals, especially dogs, that are walked on paths strewn with salt run the risk of getting their paws infected.
The Snow Melting Mats are easily attachable with waterproof plugs


Ice and snow-free entrance areas avoid accidents

Winter is especially dangerous for senior citizens!

Protect the older generation safely from the dangers of winter with snow melting mats. According to accident statistics from the Federal Statistical Office, 4680 people were involved in accidents caused by snow and black ice with personal injury (²) in 2018. On average, older people suffer much more serious consequences of accidents than younger people.

Who clears snow and how often?

The duty to clear and grit is the responsibility of the property owner. For public footpaths, this duty is usually transferred to the private residents. The latter often transfer the duty to the tenants. Whether the tenants or landlords have to shovel and grit can therefore be found in the tenancy agreement or the house rules.

If winter road maintenance is not carried out and someone slips and injures themselves, compensation for damages and pain and suffering can be expected, or there is even the risk of a fine for negligent bodily injury.


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²(Source: / Traffic accidents - Series 8 Row 7 - 2018)

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